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Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)

Learn more about PRP 

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Sample is centrifuged to extract blood plasma


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The PRP is then injected into the target area under ultrasound guidance

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50CCs of blood drawn

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5CC's of platelet rich plasma are extracted

Platelet poor plasma

Platelet rich plasma (PRP)

Red blood cells (RBCs)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Surrounding PRP

How much will it cost?

PRP costs $750CAD per injection. Often times Dr. Wong recommends patients undergo three PRP injections to the target area for ample benefits.

How does it work?

These injections work by harnessing the healing factors of the platelet rich plasma found in blood. The body's natural response to injury is the release of platelets and white blood cells from the blood to the injured area to begin the healing response. Dr. Wong is able to directly inject the concentrated plasma into your area of injury using ultrasound guidance.

Is it effective?

Most patients find instant relief from PRP injections, which continues to increase with repeated injections and with time from the injection. Click here for peer-reviewed evidence supporting the efficacy of PRP injections.

How can I get an Injection & how long will I wait?

The easiest way to inquire about attaining a PRP injection would be to contact the office via Currently, Dr. Wong has an Injection clinic day once per month at Apex Orthopaedic Rehabilitation. Prospective patients may be placed on a cancellation list and can expect an injection date 3-5 days beforehand.

Additional Information About PRP

1. Drink plenty of water the day before your appointment (ie., at least twice your daily intake

2. If this injection is for your hip or knee, you will be required to bring crutches along with you as you will be partial weight bearing for up 6 weeks post-injection. (for reference, partial weight bearing will be equal to placing one leg on a scale until you reach half of your full body weight)

3. Plan ahead: it is possible that the duration of your appointment may take longer than 1-2 hours total, so please plan accordingly. For more information click here.

Single Injection Options


DUROLANE® is the original single injection designed to relieve painful osteoarthritis (OA) in the knee, ankle, toe and hip joint.

It is a stabilized non-animal hyaluronic acid (HA) that uses advanced and unique NASHA® technology.

For more information visit DUROLANE

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